

Student Comments

“My favorite parts of class were the little random dance parties! Just playing a song and dancing was so fun.”

“You were an amazing, easy going teacher who I think really changed a lot of minds about dancing. Thank you so so much!!”

“I really appreciated that we talked about social media and how to use text/cell properly.”

“My favorite parts were salsa, the warmups and when we were able to freestyle dance.”

“I really liked learning about the salsa because it was engaging and a great experience. Also, the disco was really different and awesome.”

“My least favorite part of class was when class ended.”

“Line dancing was so fun. I had a great time.”

“I liked the Irish Jig dance.”


Student Comments

“Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us! It was an honor and before we even met I was so excited for this class. Definitely my favorite class of the year thank you!”

“I liked the Sliver of Joy circle at the end of every class.”

“I really liked how we learned about a bunch of different dances and didn’t focus on just one. I would hate to be somewhere where I had to dance and not know how.”

“I think this class was really fun and I would love to do it again.”


Student Comments

“I really liked the Irish jig. I liked how it was in a circle and you get to spin in circles with people. I thought it was a lot of fun.”

“I liked hearing all the ways to improve my hosting and etiquette. Very helpful overall.”

“I really liked the savvy sosh class because it taught me new dance skills that I can use at church dances!”

“I really enjoyed the dance warm ups, and the times when we could just dance to whatever song was on.”

“I just really enjoyed this whole course.”


Student Comments

“I felt joy during the disco warm up, the song gave me some extra energy and enthusiasm to dance. But mostly I just felt joy in the times when I felt I could really let go and enjoy dancing.”

“I loved the 80’s dance so much.”

“I really, really appreciate that you talked to us eye to eye and not like we were different from you.”

“I enjoyed the choreography for specific songs. The discussions were also nice.”

“I had lots of fun.”

“I loved it all!”


I learned:

“That I don’t always have to take myself so seriously, and it’s ok to look ridiculous sometimes.”

“I learned a lot of things! One major one though was being more expressive. I felt myself slowly being more social and kind because of these classes and I wish they went on longer.”

“How to dance with more confidence and just how to dance in general.”

“Useful moves, a taste of different styles of dance and great etiquette tips.”

“I learned how to dance. Hopefully I will never need this skill but it is very good to be prepared.”

“I learned all the dance I know now.”

“A lot of the manners stuff.”

“Good manners and etiquette and how to do many different types of dance.”

“How to waltz and salsa.”

“How to do The Greatest Showman dance.”

“I learned how to dance.”

“I learned social do’s and don'ts from the discussions.”


Parent Feedback

“Thank you Lara for such an amazing class. The boys ended up having a great time and learned so much. It was a big confidence booster and I’m thrilled my son has these skills before entering high school. You have a true gift as the ‘teenager whisperer’!”

“My kids had an absolute blast in Lara’s class! Definitely one of those ‘Don’t make me do this’ followed by ‘That was so fun!’ situations.”

“Five stars!”

“Highly recommend!”

“Love love love Lara Lockwood’s class.”